Lift up Your Heads

Lift Up Your Heads because Your Redemption is Drawing Near


The Holy Spirit persistently warns that catastrophic events are about to come upon the whole earth


Much of what we so fondly call ‘church’ cannot be adjusted and be brought into God’s thought. It will become part of Babylon the great – the harlot

The Father will not tolerate the central and supreme position of His Son among His people to be usurped by anyone

Exposed and Stripped

Judgment is about to commence with the house of God

  • God’s people must depart from all worldly attractions and attachments – they must become a holy people
  • Meeting as two or three, ten or twelve etc., with Him in their midst, He will guide them and show them the kingdom and the true expression of worship.

The Wrath of God

Dire warnings of God’s impending wrath against

  • Nations or jurisdictions which legitimize marriage between two of the same gender
  • Those who are engaged in unspeakable blasphemies against His Son
  • The indiscriminate slaughter of the unborn

Could we gain even the smallest sense of the coming wrath of God on the ungodly we would be horrified

God’s Calendar

An outline provided of the upcoming few years is crystal clear

  • Tribulation
  • Antichrist
  • Male child/Philadelphia – caught up to the throne
  • Satan cast out of heaven/Great Tribulation
  • Wrath of God poured out in catastrophic world events
  • Last trumpet – Jesus coming in the clouds

The Latter Rain

In the words of the prophet Joel, as quoted by Peter at Pentecost, ‘In the last days sayeth the Lord, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh….’ There is yet to come a harvest of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

Pentecost is Now

At Pentecost the Lord brought into being a fully functional organism – the church, the body of Christ – for the complete fulfilment of His plan and purpose on the earth until His return in glory. The apostle Paul was given the principles, practices and operation of the church (the ekklesia of God) which, having been established from that beginning, needed no adjustment or improvement. Only the church’s total dependence for everything upon the Head can ensure its success in carrying out everything required of it until its earthly mission is fully accomplished. All evidences of this world’s culture and standards must be rooted out. Rather must we, as individuals and as companies of His true and faithful disciples, live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, in the mighty power of the Spirit, with Jesus Christ as our supreme and only Lord.

In Christ

Nothing of the church of the Living Christ has any earthly origin, hope, ambition or content. It is entirely of the heavenlies. The church has its home in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. [1 Thessalonians 1:1]

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