With Unveiled Face

2 Corinthians 3:18. But we all, with unveiled face , beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

During my latest period of seven weeks in India there were several noteworthy events and happenings. Most significant among these were disclosures of the Divine Being. For instance, one Friday morning session with a Christian Leadership Student group will remain in my memory always. I was discoursing from the chapter in my book, ‘To Him Who Overcomes’. Towards the end of our time together it was as though Jesus in the midst of us put His arms around our small company and embraced us into Himself. I felt a shaking inside me but not at all of fear. It was the purest, calmest sense of love I have ever imagined. All in the room confessed a similar experience. I noted that many of them were lying forward over their desks in an apparent state of awe.

The veil that hid the face of Jesus seemed so fine that it felt almost possible to penetrate our gaze through it and behold Him.

On another occasion a student from among that same group chose a chapter titled, ‘You are to be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect’ for our discussions. At one point I paused to note that the perfection of our Father in heaven is completely beyond our ability to imagine. Yet that is the perfection that the Lord Jesus is telling His own that they must attain to. I next observed that the Holy Spirit within those who believe will bring us to that absolute condition of perfection if we will allow Him to do so.

As we all paused and pondered on these words it was as though the Father reached down to us and embraced us. So awesome was the moment that I raised my hands and cried out “Abba!” All in the room were deeply moved by this extraordinary experience.

It is apparent that, as we acknowledge Jesus as Lord in our midst and keep our focus utterly upon Him, He will lead us into the most intimate fellowship with Himself. The glory that forever rests and remains upon Him will be bestowed upon us also who are gathered together unto Him.

The writer believes that this foretaste of heaven is what the Lord desires that His own will experience on every occasion that they meet together with Him. May the Lord Jesus be gracious to us that in all our meetings together He will bring us closer to Himself and to each other, in love.

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